

Today is Happy Birthday Of Ernest Lawrence

Ernest Lawrence was born in Mount Rushmore State on at the present time in 1901. however his long career as a man of science occurred at the University of CA, Berkeley.

Lawrence unreal the accelerator, a kind of accelerator and scientific instrument, in 1929. His 1st model solely price around $25 in materials, may be control in one hand—and it worked! that little model accelerated protons to an interesting 1 Chronicles of the speed of light! (Remember that today's particle accelerators and atom smashers, like the massive elementary particle atom smasher, price billions of greenbacks and square measure several miles wide! in fact, such large machines reach so much nice speeds and smashing-power than that 1st model!) 

Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science is called for Lawrence, as is that the matter element. Lawrence won the laurels in 1939.

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