Posted on March 18, 2019
This holiday is supposed to remind kids and parents that nobody is perfect, that everybody makes mistakes, and that everybody needs forgiveness once in a while.
That's nice. I like the fact that this "holiday" might encourage some families to talk to one another more, to share their feelings more honestly, and to apologize to and forgive one another...
But I noticed one sentence in a holiday write up: someone wrote, "Parents don't have a guide book."
And I thought to myself, well, that's exactly wrong, because parents have access to WAY TOO MANY guide "books."

Closely monitor and limit screen time. / Kids need unfettered (although age appropriate) access to the tools of our culture - so that means smart phones, tablets, computers.

With all the different parenting books saying all the bajillions of things that they do, it turns out that a lot of the advice in Book A is counter to advice in Books B and C and D. There are way too many parenting books, and they can't all be right!!

So, yes, forgive Mom and Dad, because they were super confused about which advice to follow, which advice to ignore, and which advice to argue against.
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