

October 17 - National Playing Card Collectors Day

Posted October 17, 2019

There are people who collect one thing and people who collect LOTS of things; there is probably at least one someone who collects every single thing in the world. I once knew a little boy who collected (unused) bandages / Bandaids. I thought it was odd, but when he showed me his collection and explained what each different shape and kind of Bandaid was used for, I was super impressed.

So...if you can collect Bandaids, I suppose you can collect playing cards!

I once read that playing cards were the world's first "portable art." And its true that the printed playing card backs sometimes feature artworks - especially, for some reason, tall ships! 

Of course most decks have geometric patterns rather than teeny copies of paintings.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen a playing card collection, but I'm also sure it would be interesting to check a good collection out!

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