

September 22 – National Rock 'n' Roll Dog Day?

Posted on September 22, 2019

Google gives us endless facts from so so so so many sources - answering almost any question we might have. Like, what holidays and national days fall on September 22?

When I asked that question, one answer that came up several times was "National Rock 'n' Roll Dog Day." That got me wondering - who started such a day, and why? 

But nobody seemed to know! Finally, the fourth link I tried linked me to National Walk 'n' Roll Dog Day, celebrated on September 22 every year - and that link specifically said that National Rock 'n' Roll Dog Day was probably a misreading of the original.

National Walk 'n' Roll Dog Day was created in memory of author Barbara Techel's beloved pooch Frankie, a dachshund that was paralyzed after a fall but that spent many happy and fulfilling years in a wheelchair. The day is meant to raise awareness of disabled dogs and especially wheelchair dogs. Techel wants people to know that disabled dogs can live long, happy lives and bring joy to their families - and her Frankie Wheelchair Fund raises money for families who can't afford wheelchairs for their own beloved pets.

Hey, rock 'n' roll is all about challenging expectations and celebrating the "now," so I think that National Walk 'n' Roll Dog Day is, itself, very fitting with rock 'n' roll!!!

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